The first prim baby brand that I will be discussing is the Zooby baby, one of the most popular brands in Second Life. Zooby is the first prim baby brand that I owned inworld and is a wonderful brand for beginners. These babies are one of the most user friendly prim babies in Second Life.
Prices as of the date of this post:
Newborn 3800L Toddler 5000L
Do Zooby Babies Grow?
The answer is yes and no. Zooby babies are available as a newborn or a toddler. Toddlers start out at stage 24 for those that wish to quickly move past the newborn stages. Your baby will not grow to a new stage unless you buy growth stars. The growth stars are available in different price ranges, depending on how fast you want your baby to progress to the next stage. The plus side of this system is that it is completely up to you on how fast your baby grows. Presently, Zooby babies can grow from 0 to 63 stages!
Can My Baby Get Sick Or Die?
With Zooby babies, you never have to worry about your baby getting sick or "dying".
What Is The Cost Of Care?
If you wish to roleplay taking care of your Zooby baby, you can choose to purchase items like baby food, baby wash, diapers or pull-ups, and furniture to allow your baby to sleep etc. These items are completely optional and are not required to have a happy baby. If you choose to feed, bathe, change diaper, hold your baby, and let your baby sleep in a crib or other Zooby furniture once each day, you will earn a token for that day. You can save up these tokens and use them to buy adorable toys that your baby will actually play with.
Are There Toys Or Accessories Available?
Yes there are many token toys available as well as toys and accessories available to buy with Linden dollars.
Can I Change My Baby's Appearance?
Yes starting at stage 24, you can change your baby's hair color and style and also change eye color via the menu on the baby. At any age, you may change your baby's clothing as well. Some basic outfits are provided in the menu and there are many affiliate stores who make and sell clothing available for your Zooby baby.
Can I Change The Gender Of My Baby?
Yes at any time you can change the gender of your Zooby baby via the menu. I also feel it is important to mention that Zooby babies are not anatomically correct.
Can My Partner/Family/Friends Hold/Care For My Baby?
Yes you can add your partner's name or family member's name to the baby's menu so that they can care for and interact with your baby. Also, you may pass (transfer) your baby to your partner or friend/family member but
do this only at your own risk....once you pass (transfer) your baby to someone else, the baby actually becomes their property, which means you can't get your baby back if they decide to keep it.
Zooby babies are very popular in Second Life because of their ease of use and excellent customer service as well. I have owned Zooby babies for years now and they have always brought me joy. I highly recommend them to new or seasoned parents in Second Life.